September 6, 2024

Historic Cafes Route (HCR) President Arnold G. Klingeis meets the Founder and Honorary President of the HCR, Mr. Vasilis Stathakis at Kipos Cafe on Crete Island

July 26, 2024

The Council of Europe promotes the territory and the Province of Potenza

July 25, 2024

Visit at Historic Cafes Route Head-Quarters Brukenthal Palace Avrig

July 20, 2024

Historic Cafés Route | “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certified in 2022

June 20, 2024

HCR President Arnold Klingeis will officially visit Potenza, Italy

June 17, 2024

Hotel Transilvania Cluj-Napoca, included in the Historic Cafes Route. Special historical menu for the ceremony

June 12, 2024

Officials from Potenza Province visited Brukenthal Palace in Avrig

June 7, 2024

HCR at the 11th Cultural Routes Training Academy

June 1, 2024

Elections 2024: Arnold Klingeis HCR new president – Alexandros Delithanassis HCR vice president

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