As part of strengthening the communication of the Association’s actions and objectives to Cultural Institutions of our country, a meeting was held at the “Creative Europe” Desk of the Ministry of Culture, between the Head of the Directorate of International Relations and European Union, Mr. George Kalamantis, and Mr. Vassilis Stathakis, President of the European Historic Cafés Association, and Ms. Dimitra Dondorou, Communication & Press officer.
At the same time, another topic of our meeting was the information about any possibility of funding and support of the Association, through European funded programs including cultural activities.
We would like to thank Mr. George Kalamantis and the associates of the “Creative Europe” Desk for the courteous welcome and our interesting discussion in Athens, as well as for our previous meeting during the Forum “Cultural Routes” of the Council of Europe in Vilnius, Lithuania in October 2016, where he participated as a guest speaker representing Greece.